Thursday 26 September 2019

# Kindergarten # Playschool

What Do Kids Learn in Kindergarten?

The word kindergarten literally means a garden for the children and is the symbol of an educational approach for toddlers which is based on singing, playing and other fun activities. The original idea was to build social skills in children while imparting in them some basic knowledge. However, syllabi in recent years have become more complicated and many schools are trying to simplify things to make it easier for the children.

Here are a few things which you can find in the syllabus of kindergarten schools in Zirakpur:
  • Writing: Children learn how to write properly in kindergarten. From how to properly hold the pencil to forming words - the work of a kindergarten teacher is crucial in these early stages. Whether your child grows up to become an individual with bad handwriting or a good one, depends on what they learn at this age. Children are taught how to write the alphabet using capital and lowercase letters and also taught writing numbers. As children learn how to use pencils and crayons, it helps them in developing advanced skills like drawing and writing their ideas on their own. 
  • Language: As children spend time at kindergarten, their vocabulary and understanding of language increase many folds. In fact, some children develop the ability to read simple storybooks by their own when they are in kindergarten. While at kindergarten, children begin to associate the shape of how letters look and how they sound. This helps their phonemic awareness as well as improves their ability to better understand the environment around them. This means your child would now be able to read simple signs like “Stop” or “Do Not Enter” and understand the meaning on their own. 
  • Basic Mathematics: Common mathematical skills which we take for granted as adults are often learned in kindergarten. These skills are probably the most important things they will learn at this level. Knowing how to proper addition and subtraction will help them throughout their life. On the contrary, if these skills are not developed at this young age, children may often face problems in the future as their grasp of fundamental and basic concepts are not clear.Students also learn how to differentiate between imaginary objects and begin to understand patterns at this age. Proper knowledge of basic mathematics helps them in reading a calendar or the time from a clock. 
  • Science: Children at this age are often quite curious about the world around them. In fact, questions like “Why is the sky blue?” or “Why can we sometimes see the moon during the day?” have stumbled many parents as they have failed to satisfy the curiosity of the young inquisitive mind. A dedicated kindergarten teacher can answer such questions and also inspire more of them through proper scientific teaching. At this level, kids are often taught the basics of the human body besides simple facts about the environment and the planet. 
  • Social Skills: When kindergarten schools were originally started in the late 18th century, the intention was to help children whose parents both worked out of the home. Such children often had inferior social skills due to limited interaction with others during their formative years. Even today, kindergarten schools help young children socialize with others in their age group. This is important as they learn to make new friends and exposes them to the real world before they head off to school. When children spend time in kindergarten, they learn how to communicate with each other and their elders properly. 

These are some of the things that are part of most kindergarten schools around the world. It must be said that not all schools follow this syllabus and some have more complicated while some have an even simpler curriculum for their students.

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