Showing posts with label Tips and Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Advice. Show all posts

Monday 30 July 2018

How To Keep Students Engaged In Class?

Keeping Students Engaged In Class

Schools are important part of students' life where they grow their personality and shape the future. Due to the playfulness of children during their nascent age, students have a tendency to become disinterested in classes during teaching hours. So it becomes important for teachers to teach or do certain things in such a way that the students remain interested throughout. All the top schools in Chandigarh make this thing their priority so that children enjoy the school time.

Here are 7 tips for keeping your students engaged: 

  1. Try to connect the bookish things to practical life

    Sometimes students find it very difficult to understand the use of any particular topic. This make them disinterested and bored. So it’s important for a teacher to tell students the practical applications of the things he/she is teaching. 
  2. Make small groups

    Making students work in group is a great way of keeping them interested. Children love working with friends, so when they are put in a group for say any assignment or to make a presentation, they put in more effort and enjoy the process of learning. 
  3. Utilize technology

    You must use technology if its available into your teaching plan. Technologies like a projector shows students the visual aspect of any particular lesson. We all are aware of the fact that the students are fascinated by modern technologies, so incorporating technology into the classroom teaching is a perfect way to make students remain glued to the class lesson. 
  4. Try to teach in different ways

    When you teach students in the same way day in and day out, students tend to get disinterested very quickly. So to have an enjoyable atmosphere, it’s imperative to alter your teaching style now and then. 
  5. Be stringent be class discipline

    You must know how to draw a balance between friendliness and discipline in the classroom. Being too friendly with students can make the classroom look like a fish market. You must make sure that discipline is maintained throughout the class hour. This will help you in keeping students in their toes. 
  6. Try to make your teaching more discussion oriented rather than lecture

    Subjects like History and Literature can be very boring if teachers just gives lectures for 40-50 minutes continuously. One way of making this subjects interesting is by allowing students to participate in the class lessons. This can be done by constant asking of questions or giving them backstories. 
  7. Don’t remain static and teach

    When you sit in a chair or stand in one place for the whole class period, you just give students the opportunity to dose off. Using all the corners of a classroom will ensure all the students are active. Teachers are always told to move and use hand gestures while teaching in order to keep students’ eyelids moving. 

If you can keep your classroom engaging and interesting, it will have a positive impact on the learning as well as the results of the students. Students tend to focus more and understand concepts quickly when teachers are able to keep the students engaged in the class.
July 30, 2018 0 Comments

Monday 30 April 2018

Tips for Choosing the Best School for Your Child

The right school for your child can make all the difference in his or her successful academic career. The good news is that there are many options in education beyond the public school down the street today. The bad news is that the abundance of options often leaves parents in a quandary over how to choose the best school for their children. It is important to know what to look for in a school to ensure your child receives the best possible education for his specific needs. In some cases, that might indeed be the public school down the street, while other children may need a different environment to facilitate their learning process most effectively.

Factors to Consider when Selecting a School

Once you know which options are available to you, it is time to determine the best school for your child, based on the below mention steps we have outlined here:

Finding a Good Fit

To find the best school for your child, a parent needs to set the following four criteria.

  • What you want your child to learn (specific subject matter, level of academic difficulty) 
  • How your child learns best (particular learning style, challenges) 
  • Social needs (level of contact with peers) 
  • Practical matters (scheduling, extracurricular activities, etc.)

Choosing a Focus

Some schools offer a wider range of study than others. If it is important for your child to learn a second language in his primary grades, choose an elementary school that includes foreign language as a core part of the curriculum. If you want your child to get a background in the arts or get an education with a religious slant, look for schools that offer these components.

Does your child have specific interests?

If they are keen on sport or a subject such as maths, languages, art or music, you may want to consider how the school can help to develop their interests.

Check Out Scores

Test scores may not tell everything about the effectiveness of a school, but they are an important component in determining how well the students at that school are performing academically.For upcoming high school students, we recommend also analyzing a school based upon their students success and the professional fields.

Make a List

Make a list of the features you want in the school your child attends. Some of the basics to look for at any effective school include:
  • High expectations 
  • Great teachers and staff 
  • Busy, visible children 
  • Rigorous curriculum 
  • Vibrant parent-teacher association 
  • Parents welcomed and questions answered

In addition, the website recommends checking the schools standardized test scores as well to ensure students are performing at appropriate academic levels.

Pay a Visit

When you find a school that looks like a good fit for your child, it is a good idea to visit to see classrooms and meet faculty and staff. While you are at the school, you should be allowed to visit with the principal, teachers and other parents to get a good idea of what the expectations are for parent involvement, how faculty and staff relate to students and what the overall learning environment looks like.

Ask Questions

Before your school visit, prepare some questions to ask the principal and teachers you meet. Some good questions listed at CNN include: 

  1. How are teachers trained, supported and monitored?
  2. How are behavior problems handled at the school?
  3. How much homework is given to students?
You will probably have a number of your own questions as well, based on the specific learning needs and temperament of your child. Write questions down before you visit to ensure you don’t forget to ask any of them.

Talk to Parents, Students

While staff may put their best foot forward during a visit, parents and students at the school will often tell it like it is. Talk to neighbors or parents you meet while visiting the school to find out if they and their children are happy with the quality of education offered there. Ask if the staff is responsive to needs and concerns and if parents are involved with the school’s operations.

Sit Down with the Principal

A one-on-one meeting with the principal during your school visit can be the best time to ask many of your questions. Principals should be open to meeting with parents and should be forthcoming with information about the school and staff.

Check Out a Parent-teacher Association Meeting

In addition to finding out more about current events at the school you are considering, this is an excellent way to collect names and phone numbers of parents at the school that you can contact later. PTA meetings are usually available to all parents at the school, as well as the general public, so your presence should be welcome.

Trust Your Gut

Once the information is gathered and assessed, the bottom line is to choose the school that you and your child feel best about him attending. In some cases, this follows directly to the data; in other cases, you might simply get a good feeling about the staff or other features. The school you choose will make a difference in your child’s academic future, so take the time to research your options and then choose the school that feels the best to both of you.

With these tips in mind, you are now poised to make a strong decision for the best education for your child. We wish you the very best of luck!
April 30, 2018 0 Comments

Saturday 25 November 2017

Things You Must Keep In Mind Before Enrolling Your Child In A School

School plays a vital role in shaping up the character of a child and also offer an outlet to the creativity and talent of a child. It is the school period that mostly decides what sort of person a kid is going to become or sort of career he is going to have. More importantly, school gives the opportunity to a child to interact with its own kind and inculcate social values. So it’s very important to choose the right school for your kid. 

Here are 7 things you must know about a school before you enroll your kid:
  1. Location of the school

    It’s important to choose a school which is located in the vicinity of the place you reside. Whether you look from the physical or mental aspect, it’s not good for a student to spend 3-4 hours every day on the road. If there are no schools present within your vicinity then it’s better to get enrolled in a school with a hostel. 
  2. Cleanliness and First Aid

    You must look for a school which gives priority to cleanliness and hygiene. The school surroundings along with classrooms, corridors and toilets must be neat and clean always. Also the school must have adequate first aid boxes to cater to the needs of the students when there is minor cuts and accidents. 
  3. Infrastructure

    The school you are enrolling your child to should have a good infrastructure. The rooms must be well ventilated and spacious. Important rooms like libraries, auditorium and indoor playing rooms is a necessity these days. Look for schools offers transportation facilities in the form of school buses. 
  4. Student teacher ratio

    It becomes difficult for a teacher to teach over 35-40 students irrespective of how good he or she is. You should look for schools having a large number of quality faculties having proper training degrees. An ideal school would have 1 teacher for around every 20 children. It’s not good when a class 7-8 teacher takes kindergarten classes. 
  5. School must give priority to language and mathematics

    From the very early age itself, a child must be exposed to language and mathematics as much as possible. The school must adopt interesting and enjoyable methods to teach students about the concepts of math and expose them to words. The reading, writing and thinking ability of a child can be greatly affected by the presence or absence of proper tools to impart them knowledge about grammar and math. 
  6. Presence of extracurricular activities

    Extracurricular activities play an important role in shaping up the leadership and social skills of a child. Creative art, dance, music or outdoor sports sessions can help students nurture their intuitive and intellectual skills. Extracurricular activities brings freshness in the minds of the children which further helps in enhancing their interest in academics. You must select a school who gives importance to extra-curricular activities. 
  7. Atmosphere of the school

    It’s imperative especially for young kids to start the process of learning amidst a friendly and cordial environment. The teachers must be approachable and the school must not be very rigid. You should also look for schools which are well guarded and have guards all the time at the gate. 

These 7 tips should be able to help you choose the right school for your child. 

If you are residing in and around Panchkula in Haryana, then you must consider The Gurukul. The school have classes from play way to class 12 and thus can give stability to a student’s educational life till class 12. With state of the art infrastructure and highly qualified, experienced and friendly faculty, The Gurukul has proved to be one of the top schools in Panchkula.
November 25, 2017 0 Comments