Showing posts with label Top ranked schools in panchkula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top ranked schools in panchkula. Show all posts

Thursday 19 September 2019

What are the ways to ensure that your school promotes a safe and secure environment for the children?

Schools are often considered a home away from home, and it is true as our children spent most of their time in the schools; thus, it is important to ensure that we enrol our children in such schools where they get a home-like environment and where their safety and security are guaranteed. As a parent, we all want our children to remain safe and happy, and we can not always be there to protect them from anything evil. Therefore, we show trust in schools and enrol them there so that they can learn, grow and become a responsible and successful person.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development in 2011- 2012, there are 1.3 million schools in India. But only a few out of these schools provide the desired environment that we want for our children. The Gurukul, Blue Bird High School, St. Soldiers School are some of the best schools in Panchkula that offer the facilities and environment that you want for your children.

In the past few years, we have seen alarming cases in schools and many students are bullied during their school life. All these incidents in childhood have a negative effect on the future of the children. Therefore it is important for a school to be a place that is safe, supported and respected, especially in these challenging times.

Here are some of the education strategies that support inclusive school environments where young people can learn, thrive and become their best selves.

1. Schools must implement anti-bullying, harassment, and non-discrimination policies on the campus and they must make sure that these policies are current, reflect district and state guidelines and include clear definitions and consequences.

2. Self-assessment is one of the major steps in building a safe and secure environment. The management of the school must assess itself and the school by reflecting on the current and historical influences that shape its school's culture.

3. The schools should encourage growth in emotional understanding and the ability to handle the tough stuff. Every member of the school should be encouraged to build strong relationships with each other that model respectful and responsible behaviours. It is the responsibility of the individual staff to do their self-assessments of their anti-bias approach and principles.

4. The schools must discover ways to let everyone in the school community know that biased words and actions are unacceptable in the campus. And strict actions will be taken against the ones who are found guilty for breaking the rules.

5. Sometimes students are afraid of talking to anyone about their sufferings, and often they suffer in silence. Therefore, it is necessary to be more approachable towards them, and when they come to you, it is your duty to take the issue seriously, invest the time and space to listen and solve the issue patiently.

6. If we want to build a safe and secure then the preparation must be done at individual levels. Parents are also supposed to help the schools in encouraging the children to stay away from bad habits and to speak when they feel that something is not right.

7. Apart from academics, students need to be taught about moral values and civics. Teaching civics and moral values can help students to know the difference between right and wrong. All this can make a big difference in the environment of the school.

8. We should teach the students how to be an ally when faced with bias and bullying. It will encourage them to reach out to someone targeted by sending them a supportive text message or saying hello to them. They should be motivated to report the behaviour to an adult if they fail to help someone.

Choosing the right school for your children is a tedious task, but there are many schools that have all the qualities you are looking for. The Gurukul School is among the top-ranked schools in Panchkula that provide your children with the environment that promotes safety and security.

September 19, 2019 0 Comments

Monday 28 January 2019

Tips to choose the Best among the Top Schools in Panchkula

The first step towards a bright future is to find the best school for your child. These days, the majority of the schools follow a grade-based education system, which is not good for the future of the children. The contemporary requirement is the find the right school that maintains a proper balance in the curriculum (both theoretical and practical knowledge) and extracurricular activities.

The latest approach of the modern-day schools has changed a lot. The curriculum designed is knowledge-based and experience-oriented. It will make the kids smarter and sharper as they will find a right platform to enjoy a hands-on experience of the theories taught in the class. This is why choosing a right school is very crucial for the future of the kids.

How to choose the best school?

Think it this way. You follow an approach to find the right MBA institute and then take admission. The same stands true in this case also. You will have to follow the same approach to find a good school for your kids. You will have ample options regarding top schools in Panchkula, but to find the right one, follow the tips mentioned below.

Those days are gone when the admission in a school depended on the state or central board followed by the school. These days, the entire curriculum has transformed into a smarter version. You can opt for many types of boards and find the way a school teaches a child. Find out what the school will provide to the child, not in terms of provisions but in terms of knowledge. Get to know more about the teaching style and the medium through which the education will be catered. This will tell a lot of things about the school.
You will now find an array of international schools blooming in every corner of a city. It is worth mentioning that education has become a perfect business as every parent wants to see his or her child become competent enough to survive. Trusting the brand name might be a big mistake. You need to check the credential of the school. The track record will tell the right tale about the school. Find out the credential of the faculty members, the pedigree of the management, etc., in the education field.

Individualistic approach
Find the teacher-student ratio. If the school uses an individualistic approach in the first phase then the kids will learn better. A child faces various issues in the budding stage. It might not be possible to offer a single-student approach but the lower teacher-student ratio can be very helpful in the primary stage. In fact, check whether there are parent-teacher meetings held by the management or not. It is also important to interact with the parents too.

Financial aspect
When you are trying to choose the best among the top schools in Panchkula, you need to prefer the financial aspect of the educational institute. It will be a huge commitment for the parents. The school fee will depend on the curriculum provided by the school.

Extracurricular activities
The infrastructure of the school must provide a proper medium where the students can learn things other than curriculum. It is also important for the kids to have an extracurricular activity or a hobby. The school must provide a proper support for sports, music, debate, and other activities.

This is how you should categorize the schools and shortlist a name to admit your child.
January 28, 2019 0 Comments

Wednesday 16 January 2019

How to Encourage Self -Regulation Skill in Preschoolers

The social world requires people to control their thinking, emotions, and behavior. Having control on themselves is a vital aptitude that aids them to navigate the environment gracefully- resolve the fight, solve problems, think independently, contribute and deal with others. Thus, self-regulation is the most important skill to be successful in all aspects of life. Parents can aid their kids to grow self-regulation skills by including some easy activities in their daily lives. The top-ranked schools in Panchkula talk about a few important tips parents can use to encourage the skills required to be prepared for school and life ahead.
Involve your kid in decision-making procedures
Kids learn to model the language their parents or teachers use, also the procedures they apply to make important decisions. Furthermore, by including and evaluating your child’s ideas, you aid him to grow the skills and confidence to think actively and independently.

Assign tasks to your kid to finish it independently
Encourage your little one’s individuality by giving tasks for him to finish without help. This will grow his confidence and creativity in the child that will eventually affect future behavior. It will be also supportive for you.

Allow your child to have an exploratory play
Hands-on, incessant play experiences help children to research projects, use their imagination an d attend to details. Play times provide kids the skill to make a strategy about their own activities, discover materials, get and grow interests and make use of simple abstract thoughts. Basically, these experiences help the concept that self-guided performance and knowledge is valuable.

Involve your kid in exploratory talks
Language directs our behavior and thoughts. It’s not just used to interact with others but we all use it on the inside to monitor ourselves. Boost your kid’s language advancement by engaging him in evocative and thoughtful conversations, helping him to explore and describe thoughts and emotional state.

Support emotive and communication discipline
Model optimistic performance management aptitude, know limits and give support to aid your kid to attain control over his behavior. You must allow your little one to explore sentiments and provide methods to diffuse harmful or negative emotions.

Parents can grow their kid’s social skills by organizing play dates and playgroups. At home, you need to be steady about easy rules your little one should follow like keeping their toys in an organized manner and making the bed. Allow your little one to take accountability for cleaning up but you must model politeness and correct social interaction.

January 16, 2019 0 Comments

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Top Ranked Schools in Panchkula –5 Strategies to Encourage Your Kid to Learn

A major mistake made by teachers and parents is that they limit the child’s learning to the school and classroom. Though the classroom is the key source of information, social and academic development can be extended outside the classroom. If you really want to boost your child’s ability and wish to learn, the below strategies can help you to encourage your little one to learn. 

Focus on your kid’s interests
When knowledge engages kids in subjects and interest areas, learning becomes an enjoyable and engaging process for children. If you wish your little one to be a great learner, motivate him to discover subjects that captivate him. You must aid your child find interesting stories and books about his favorite topics. 

Grow a reading environment
For children, it’s very important to grow a reading habit in order to cultivate the love for learning. Reading not just aids them to grow vocabulary but also helps their mind to learn the concepts and communication. Students who read get a better aptitude to learn all subjects like science and math. 

Do not control 
Often teachers and parents control their child which is a very bad situation for the child. It’s vital for parents to guide their children through the learning procedure, however, it’s also vital to allow kids to have control over their own learning experiences. Whether in the classroom or at home, you must give children the aptitude to have straight input in their learning options. 

Encourage genuine communication
Both parents and teachers must encourage children to express their views about the happenings in their education. Build an open environment where the child feels comfortable articulating his concerns, likes, and dislikes. When a child shares his thoughts on something, you must validate the same even if you disagree. Good learners are aware that their view matters and feel confident that they can share their thoughts without worrying about being judged and ignored.

Aid your kid stay organized
Allow your little one to organize their books and assignments to help them feel motivated towards their studies. Disorganization is very common among little children, but later it can lead to the feeling of being overwhelmed. Children in this condition grow frustration and they worry about learning. You must be consistent and patent while helping you kid organize his assignments and school projects. This will aid him to be controlled and inspired to learn.

The Gurukul is recognized as the top school in Panchkula providing great learning courses for kids. The school has a cutting-edge structure and expansive classrooms with good care and leadership from teachers. The Gurukul provides a safe and inspiring environment for education and sports.
November 21, 2018 0 Comments