Showing posts with label best ranked schools in panchkula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best ranked schools in panchkula. Show all posts

Monday 19 April 2021

Best CBSE School in Panchkula that Ensures Holistic Development of the Children

Schools are one of the most important part of a person’s life. They meet new people apart from their families and get their formal education and knowledge in a systematic method. One of the most crucial decisions of a parent’s life is to choose the school that they feel will be the best to nurture the talents of their children and help them grow up. According to many leading psychologists, the education and mannerisms that are imparted by the school form a large part of the life of the students. These mannerisms and knowledge tend to stick with them throughout their lives and shape their behavior. All parents only want what is best for their children but in this world of false advertising, it has become extremely difficult for them to be able to understand which school will be able to live up to their expectations. The Gurukul School has been meeting the expectations of many parents over the last few years. They have become one of the best senior secondary schools in Chandigarh.

The Gurukul School has 5 principles by which they run their schools. These are academic excellence, best-in-class infrastructure, holistic development, personal attention, and safe campus. The school has 4 branches which are established in Chandigarh. The school teaching faculty has some of the best teachers in India. The teachers employed by them have a strict background check where all of their credentials are verified and they are told of the standards of education that the school follows. The teachers ensure that they give personal attention to every child allowing them to grow and develop at their own pace. The batches are small in size so that all the children feel comfortable in sharing their opinions and getting individual attention. 

The school has ensured that all of the children feel safe and secured on their campus by following strict safety measures. The school administration has ensured that all classrooms are fitted with state-of-the-art technologies which will help the students get a more detailed understanding of the subjects being taught to them. By using these advanced technologies the teachers will be able to explain concepts better as they can be visually represented. The school follows the CBSE curriculum and through years of producing amazing results has become one of the best CBSE schools in Chandigarh. The school focuses on the overall development of the child and gives equal importance to both academics and co-curricular activities. The school is an inclusive one and students from all sections of the society study here and interact freely. The school constantly aims to make their students the ideal global citizens who contribute productively towards society at large and are an asset to society. They nurture their students to develop them into responsible adults who understand the global scenario.

The Gurukul Schools are one of the few good schools in Chandigarh. Over the years they have been perfecting the good education system that they already have in place. The administrators are invested to make the school even better with each passing day. If you are a parent looking for a school that will help nurture the talents of your child while developing them into responsible adults, the Gurukul School is your ideal destination.

April 19, 2021 1 Comments

Wednesday 28 August 2019

How to ensure an invigorating school for your children’s future?

School education plays a vital role in the lives of our children, and it is important for the overall development of their mind and body. Our children are the future of this country, and therefore, it is important that we provide quality education to them by enrolling them in good schools. Childhood is the most beautiful phase of human life, and also the most influential years of life; a school is a place where our children spend most of their time, and it is important that during this time they feel radiant and secure.

Choosing a school for your child could be a mammoth task as you don’t want to compromise with anything when it comes to the future of your children. Thus the place where you are sending your child to learn and grow needs to be selected carefully and wisely.

There are a number of play-schools, primary and secondary schools all around us, which makes it difficult for us to choose the best school for our children. However, there are some factors you can consider while choosing a good school for your child:

1.     Ensure that the school you are enrolling your child into is near to your place of residence so that you can reach there in the shortest possible time whenever needed. Also, seeing the horrifying situation of traffic these days, you wouldn’t want your child to be spending hours on the road, instead of spending time with you.

2.  Keep your focus on the quality, safety, facilities, and extra-curricular activities the school is providing.

3.  Before enrolling your child into school, it is advisable to know about the teaching methodology, academic curriculum, and moral standards the school is following.

4.    Teacher to student ratio is a very important factor that needs to be considered. If there are more than 30-35 students in a class, then it becomes difficult for a teacher to manage the class.

5.  A safe and clean environment is necessary for your children. A school with modern infrastructure is considered best when it comes to the safety of your children. A good school must have proper sanitary facilities, a big playground and it should be equipped with CCTV cameras.

6.   Choose the best board or stream of education for your child. There are various streams/boards of education, followed by Indian schools such as CBSE, ICSE, SSC, CIE, IB, etc. Always choose a school that gives its students access to contemporary tools and technologies.

7.     A school with a high level of discipline is important for the growth of your child. It helps your child to pick up good moral values.

8.  Before enrolling your child in a school always ensure that it follows specific policies regarding bullying prevention.

There are a number of schools all over India which do have the qualities mentioned above, and if you are a resident of Panchkula, then you need not worry about the education of your child as this city has the best schools which are focused on providing quality education to your child. Some of the best schools in Panchkula are Satluj Public School, The Gurukul School, Little Flower Convent School, Doon Public School and many more.

These schools are known for their top-quality education, their infrastructure, their surrounding and their moral values. Enrolling your children in such schools make the future of your children bright and help in the development of your children’s creative, physical and social skills.

August 28, 2019 0 Comments

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Achievement Days (Cocoon - V) at The Gurukul, Panchkula

The Student of The Gurukul, Panchkula, dedicated a skit in the respect of the Indian Defence Forces, this year identified all its parents who are Defence Personnel and invited them as ‘Guests of Honour’ on the Achievement Days. 

Achievement Days are resulted in giving days at The Gurukul for the Pre Primary and Primary classes, wherein each child gets his Report Card and a Recognition Certificate for any of his unique qualities.

The school invited all parents who are in-service Army Officers to do the honors. The students put up mesmerizing performances for their parents during these days on various themes like Superstitions, Dental Health, Friendship, Reading Habits, etc.

Visit: to know more.
June 11, 2019 0 Comments

Friday 22 March 2019

8 Effective Revision Tips for Students in a Pre School

No matter it’s a primary school exam or a high school exam, it’s vital for students to feel confident and be ready for the exams. Top schools in Panchkula suggest 8 best ways that can help students to revise their syllabus:
Follow an early revision plan 
Starting a revision program early is the best method to get a hold on the right preparation. The sooner your little one begins revising the topics, the more curriculum they will be able to study before the final exam. 
Prepare a timetable for revision 
Creating a structured plan can help students in revision in primary school exams. Help your child to make a study timetable and ask him to follow the same, and it will help him to grow his confidence level. A revision agenda can be in any simple form such as a handwritten table or an excel spreadsheet. 
Find an encouraging quite place to study
It’s vital for your kids to find a quiet and stimulating place where they can study and revise subjects peacefully. Trying to study in a room with disruptions of TV, noise, and the internet can be quite challenging for young students. Allot a space where your little one can study continuously for at least half an hour. 
Record revision notes
A fun and effective method for your child to study is allowing him to read the revision notes loudly and record it into a voice recorder. Later, he can listen to the recordings while revising the syllabus. 
Little but frequent revision 
The normal attention span of 6 to 10-year children is just 30 minutes, after that, they start getting distracted and unfocused. Thus, while creating a revision timetable, parents should limit the revision time to only 30 minutes at a time. 
Revision games
It’s a fact that revision can be boring for many students; thus you can make it exciting and fun by including a few games.  Revision games for young children include revision snap and teacher role-play. 
Practice exam papers
Practicing exam papers can help your child prepare for the exam in the best possible way. These papers will not only aid your child to understand the exam pattern but also help him to get better time management skills. 
Visual aids for revision notes 
Visual aids help in revision, you have to stick revision notes at frequent places in your house. This trick will help your child to remember his task. Parents can also evaluate their kids with revision notes and process by asking about the verbal explanation in detail.
Gurukul is one of the best-ranked schools in Panchkula offering effective learning programs for kids. The school provides a safe and inspiring atmosphere for education and sports. In Gurukul, children’s physical and social requirements are taken care via imaginative learning, care, and complete support.

March 22, 2019 0 Comments

Monday 28 January 2019

Tips to choose the Best among the Top Schools in Panchkula

The first step towards a bright future is to find the best school for your child. These days, the majority of the schools follow a grade-based education system, which is not good for the future of the children. The contemporary requirement is the find the right school that maintains a proper balance in the curriculum (both theoretical and practical knowledge) and extracurricular activities.

The latest approach of the modern-day schools has changed a lot. The curriculum designed is knowledge-based and experience-oriented. It will make the kids smarter and sharper as they will find a right platform to enjoy a hands-on experience of the theories taught in the class. This is why choosing a right school is very crucial for the future of the kids.

How to choose the best school?

Think it this way. You follow an approach to find the right MBA institute and then take admission. The same stands true in this case also. You will have to follow the same approach to find a good school for your kids. You will have ample options regarding top schools in Panchkula, but to find the right one, follow the tips mentioned below.

Those days are gone when the admission in a school depended on the state or central board followed by the school. These days, the entire curriculum has transformed into a smarter version. You can opt for many types of boards and find the way a school teaches a child. Find out what the school will provide to the child, not in terms of provisions but in terms of knowledge. Get to know more about the teaching style and the medium through which the education will be catered. This will tell a lot of things about the school.
You will now find an array of international schools blooming in every corner of a city. It is worth mentioning that education has become a perfect business as every parent wants to see his or her child become competent enough to survive. Trusting the brand name might be a big mistake. You need to check the credential of the school. The track record will tell the right tale about the school. Find out the credential of the faculty members, the pedigree of the management, etc., in the education field.

Individualistic approach
Find the teacher-student ratio. If the school uses an individualistic approach in the first phase then the kids will learn better. A child faces various issues in the budding stage. It might not be possible to offer a single-student approach but the lower teacher-student ratio can be very helpful in the primary stage. In fact, check whether there are parent-teacher meetings held by the management or not. It is also important to interact with the parents too.

Financial aspect
When you are trying to choose the best among the top schools in Panchkula, you need to prefer the financial aspect of the educational institute. It will be a huge commitment for the parents. The school fee will depend on the curriculum provided by the school.

Extracurricular activities
The infrastructure of the school must provide a proper medium where the students can learn things other than curriculum. It is also important for the kids to have an extracurricular activity or a hobby. The school must provide a proper support for sports, music, debate, and other activities.

This is how you should categorize the schools and shortlist a name to admit your child.
January 28, 2019 0 Comments

Wednesday 16 January 2019

How to Encourage Self -Regulation Skill in Preschoolers

The social world requires people to control their thinking, emotions, and behavior. Having control on themselves is a vital aptitude that aids them to navigate the environment gracefully- resolve the fight, solve problems, think independently, contribute and deal with others. Thus, self-regulation is the most important skill to be successful in all aspects of life. Parents can aid their kids to grow self-regulation skills by including some easy activities in their daily lives. The top-ranked schools in Panchkula talk about a few important tips parents can use to encourage the skills required to be prepared for school and life ahead.
Involve your kid in decision-making procedures
Kids learn to model the language their parents or teachers use, also the procedures they apply to make important decisions. Furthermore, by including and evaluating your child’s ideas, you aid him to grow the skills and confidence to think actively and independently.

Assign tasks to your kid to finish it independently
Encourage your little one’s individuality by giving tasks for him to finish without help. This will grow his confidence and creativity in the child that will eventually affect future behavior. It will be also supportive for you.

Allow your child to have an exploratory play
Hands-on, incessant play experiences help children to research projects, use their imagination an d attend to details. Play times provide kids the skill to make a strategy about their own activities, discover materials, get and grow interests and make use of simple abstract thoughts. Basically, these experiences help the concept that self-guided performance and knowledge is valuable.

Involve your kid in exploratory talks
Language directs our behavior and thoughts. It’s not just used to interact with others but we all use it on the inside to monitor ourselves. Boost your kid’s language advancement by engaging him in evocative and thoughtful conversations, helping him to explore and describe thoughts and emotional state.

Support emotive and communication discipline
Model optimistic performance management aptitude, know limits and give support to aid your kid to attain control over his behavior. You must allow your little one to explore sentiments and provide methods to diffuse harmful or negative emotions.

Parents can grow their kid’s social skills by organizing play dates and playgroups. At home, you need to be steady about easy rules your little one should follow like keeping their toys in an organized manner and making the bed. Allow your little one to take accountability for cleaning up but you must model politeness and correct social interaction.

January 16, 2019 0 Comments

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Top Ranked Schools in Panchkula –5 Strategies to Encourage Your Kid to Learn

A major mistake made by teachers and parents is that they limit the child’s learning to the school and classroom. Though the classroom is the key source of information, social and academic development can be extended outside the classroom. If you really want to boost your child’s ability and wish to learn, the below strategies can help you to encourage your little one to learn. 

Focus on your kid’s interests
When knowledge engages kids in subjects and interest areas, learning becomes an enjoyable and engaging process for children. If you wish your little one to be a great learner, motivate him to discover subjects that captivate him. You must aid your child find interesting stories and books about his favorite topics. 

Grow a reading environment
For children, it’s very important to grow a reading habit in order to cultivate the love for learning. Reading not just aids them to grow vocabulary but also helps their mind to learn the concepts and communication. Students who read get a better aptitude to learn all subjects like science and math. 

Do not control 
Often teachers and parents control their child which is a very bad situation for the child. It’s vital for parents to guide their children through the learning procedure, however, it’s also vital to allow kids to have control over their own learning experiences. Whether in the classroom or at home, you must give children the aptitude to have straight input in their learning options. 

Encourage genuine communication
Both parents and teachers must encourage children to express their views about the happenings in their education. Build an open environment where the child feels comfortable articulating his concerns, likes, and dislikes. When a child shares his thoughts on something, you must validate the same even if you disagree. Good learners are aware that their view matters and feel confident that they can share their thoughts without worrying about being judged and ignored.

Aid your kid stay organized
Allow your little one to organize their books and assignments to help them feel motivated towards their studies. Disorganization is very common among little children, but later it can lead to the feeling of being overwhelmed. Children in this condition grow frustration and they worry about learning. You must be consistent and patent while helping you kid organize his assignments and school projects. This will aid him to be controlled and inspired to learn.

The Gurukul is recognized as the top school in Panchkula providing great learning courses for kids. The school has a cutting-edge structure and expansive classrooms with good care and leadership from teachers. The Gurukul provides a safe and inspiring environment for education and sports.
November 21, 2018 0 Comments